Comprehensive Guide to Buying Pre Construction Townhomes in Calgary

calgary preconstruction townhomes

Calgary, a vibrant city nestled in the heart of Alberta, Canada, has been witnessing a remarkable transformation in its real estate landscape. Among the myriad of options available to homebuyers, pre construction townhomes in Calgary have emerged as a particularly enticing choice. This comprehensive guide aims to navigate you through the intricacies of buying a pre-construction townhome in Calgary, offering valuable insights and practical advice to make your investment journey both successful and fulfilling.

why buy precon townhomes in calgary

Why Calgary? The city’s robust economy, coupled with its scenic beauty and dynamic culture, makes it an ideal location for homeownership. But what sets pre-construction townhomes apart in this market? These homes offer the dual benefits of modern amenities and the opportunity to personalize your space before it’s even built. Moreover, investing in a property during its construction phase can be financially advantageous, often leading to significant appreciation in value by the time of completion.

The Advantages of Pre-Construction Townhomes

belvedere rise pre construction townhomes in calgary
  1. Customization: One of the most compelling reasons to buy a pre-construction townhome is the ability to customize. Buyers often have the choice of selecting finishes, layouts, and upgrades, tailoring the home to their specific tastes and needs.
  2. Modern Designs: These townhomes are designed with contemporary lifestyles in mind, featuring open floor plans, energy-efficient appliances, and smart home technology.
  3. Financial Benefits: Buying pre construction can be a smart financial move. Prices are generally locked in at the time of purchase, protecting buyers from market fluctuations during the construction period.
  4. New Home Warranty: In Calgary, new townhomes come with a warranty, providing peace of mind regarding the quality and durability of your investment.

As you embark on this exciting journey of purchasing a pre construction townhome in Calgary, it’s crucial to arm yourself with the right information and guidance. This guide will lead you step-by-step through the process, ensuring that you make informed decisions every step of the way.

Are you ready to explore the world of pre construction townhomes in Calgary? Let’s delve into understanding what these homes are and why they’re becoming a top choice for many homebuyers.

The Cons of Buying New or Pre-Construction Homes

When it comes to purchasing a home, the allure of brand-new properties or those still in the pre-construction phase is undeniable. However, several key disadvantages are worth considering before making such a significant investment.

cons to purchasing pre construction townhomes

Higher Costs and Additional Taxes

Increased Price Tag: Brand new homes, including condos and townhomes, generally come with a higher price tag. This reflects the latest design trends and construction materials, often making them more expensive than older properties.

Goods and Services Tax (GST): An important financial consideration is the Goods and Services Tax (GST) applicable on new home purchases. This additional tax can significantly increase the overall cost of the property.

Long Wait Times

Delayed Possession: Pre-construction properties, especially condos and townhomes, usually have possession dates set a few years into the future. This extended timeline can be a major drawback for buyers who need a home sooner and introduces risks like market fluctuations and construction delays.

Lack of Established Community

Developing Neighborhoods: New developments may lack an established community feel and mature landscaping. This can result in a neighborhood that feels barren and less welcoming in its initial stages.

Limited Customization and Lack of Character

Restricted Design Choices: Buyers in new developments often have limited customization options, restricted to choosing from a set of predetermined layouts and finishes.

Missing Historical Charm: New homes, while modern and equipped with contemporary features, might lack the unique character and architectural details that older homes possess. This absence of historical charm is a significant factor for those who value uniqueness and individuality in home design.

With that being said, we often find the benefits of new construction homes outweigh the cons, however this is dependent on what you are looking for as a home buyer.

Understanding Pre-Construction Townhomes in Calgary

trend for preconstruction townhomes

The Calgary real estate market has shown resilience and growth, making it a prime location for investing in pre-construction townhomes. Here’s a detailed look at the current trends and what potential buyers need to know:

  1. Market Growth and Pricing Trends:

    • Benchmark Prices: In July 2023, Calgary’s benchmark townhouse price increased by a significant 11.6% year-over-year to $431,900, outpacing the provincial average increase​​.
    • Condo Market Performance: The benchmark condo price in Calgary also saw a substantial year-over-year increase of 10.1%, reaching $313,500 in July 2023​​.
    • Market Dynamics: The city is currently in a seller’s market, with a sales-to-new-listings ratio (SNLR) of 82%​​. Despite rising interest rates, the market recorded an 18% year-over-year gain in sales, marking the strongest July levels on record​​.
  2. Demographic Shifts and Buyer Trends:

    • Changing Demographics: Originally dominated by upsizers, foreign investors, and new immigrants, the demographic of Calgary homebuyers may be shifting due to new legislation like the foreign buyers’ ban​​.
    • Investor Influence: Investors and multi-property owners accounted for over a third of homebuyers in 2021, with many coming from Ontario and British Columbia​​.
    • Immigration Impact: New immigrants and inter-provincial migrants, especially from Ontario and British Columbia, continue to significantly impact the Calgary housing market​​.
  3. Financial and Legislative Landscape:

    • Cost Advantages: Pre-construction condos in Calgary offer a cost-effective alternative, being half the cost of those in other Canadian areas, with only a 10% deposit required​​.
    • Landlord and Investor Benefits: Alberta’s laws are more favorable to landlords and investors, with no land transfer tax, only 5% GST, and no rent control, allowing landlords to set fair rent prices​​.
  4. Market Outlook for 2023:

    • Current Market Conditions: Calgary’s property market is expected to remain strong throughout 2023, recovering quicker than other areas in Canada​​.
    • Future Prospects: Experts anticipate a continued increase in home prices, making Calgary an attractive destination for pre-construction condo investments​​.

In conclusion, the Calgary real estate market, particularly for pre-construction townhomes, is characterized by strong growth, demographic shifts towards local and inter-provincial buyers, financial incentives, and a positive outlook for 2023. These factors make it a compelling market for potential homeowners and investors alike.

Are New Construction Condos or Townhomes a Better Investment Opportunity?

Pre construction homes are one of the most popular purchases made by savvy real estate investors. Here, we are going to take a look at whether Calgary pre construction condos or townhomes make a better investment.

Deciding whether to invest in pre-construction condos or townhomes in Calgary depends on various factors, each with its unique set of benefits and considerations.

  1. Initial Investment and Down Payments: Pre-construction condos typically require a lower initial financial barrier compared to houses, making them more accessible, especially for new investors. This factor can be particularly advantageous in competitive real estate markets like Calgary​​.
  2. Potential for Appreciation: Condos, especially in prime urban locations, have shown consistent appreciation in value. This trend suggests that condos can serve as valuable long-term assets​​. In contrast, houses often have higher resale values, particularly in up-and-coming neighborhoods, due to the potential for land appreciation and the flexibility for property improvements​​.
  3. Market Trends: There’s a surge in demand for condos in city centers, driven by the allure of urban living and convenience of amenities. Meanwhile, houses are gaining popularity in suburban areas, attracting investors with the appeal of more space and the tranquility of suburban life​​.
  4. Tax Implications: Investing in condos allows the ability to write off maintenance fees as a business expense, reducing overall tax liability. However, selling a condo could trigger capital gains tax. For houses, rental income is taxable, but there are tax deductions related to property maintenance and improvements​​.
  5. Long-Term Value: Condos offer lower maintenance requirements and are generally easier to rent out, especially in urban areas, providing a consistent income stream. Houses are often seen as more stable long-term investments due to land appreciation potential and the ability to enhance value through renovations​​.

Ultimately, the choice between pre-construction condos or townhomes in Calgary should align with individual financial situations, lifestyle preferences, and investment goals. Both options have distinct advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice varies based on the investor’s circumstances and objectives

The Buying Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Buying a pre-construction townhome in Calgary involves several key steps. Here’s a detailed guide to navigate this process:

Step 1: Research Potential Properties

  • Location: Consider proximity to work, public transportation, schools, and amenities.
  • Developer Reputation: Ensure the developer has a good industry reputation and no legal issues.
  • Price: Compare prices of similar units in the area​​.

Step 2: Choose a Project

  • Amenities: Assess the amenities offered by different projects.
  • Layout: Evaluate the unit’s size, number of bedrooms, and other features.
  • Developer Incentives: Look for incentives like discounts or free upgrades​​.

Step 3: Review the Purchase Agreement

  • Price and Payment Terms: Understand the purchase price and payment schedule.
  • Occupancy Date: Note the date when you can move in and consequences if missed.
  • Closing Costs: Be aware of additional costs like legal fees and utility setup fees​​.

Step 4: Submit a Deposit

  • Deposit Amount: This is typically a percentage of the purchase price, held in a trust account until completion​​.

Step 5: Wait for Construction to Begin

  • Construction Timeline: This varies based on the project’s scope and developer’s track record​​.

Step 6: Interim Occupancy

  • Occupancy Fee: Payable to the developer, typically equivalent to interest on the outstanding balance of the purchase price​​.

Step 7: Final Inspection

  • Unit Inspection: Check for any deficiencies or issues before final closing​​.

Step 8: Final Closing

  • Ownership Transfer: Complete the sale, pay the outstanding balance, and sign legal documents​​.

This guide provides a clear roadmap for navigating the pre-construction townhome buying process in Calgary. Each step is crucial for ensuring a smooth transaction and securing your future home in this dynamic real estate market.

The future of Calgary’s preconstruction townhome market looks promising, influenced by several key factors:

  1. Market Resilience and Growth Prospects: Calgary’s housing market, including pre-construction townhomes, has demonstrated resilience and growth. In 2023, the market has experienced a robust increase in residential construction, driven by a 30% rise in multi-residential buildings and an 80% surge in secondary suites. The city saw a 25% year-over-year increase in building permit applications, indicating a strong commitment to development and an improving market environment​​.
  2. Government Initiatives and Funding: The city has received significant funding of $228M from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund. This investment is aimed at addressing housing needs and creating more affordable homes. Over the next five years, the City of Calgary plans to build 4,000 new affordable dwellings, which will have a substantial impact on the housing market, including pre-construction townhomes. This initiative will likely increase the availability of affordable housing options and boost the overall market​​.
  3. Continuous Housing Growth Since 2021: According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Calgary has seen a substantial increase in housing growth since 2021. This trend is expected to continue, buoyed by the recent investment from the federal government. Such growth is indicative of a healthy, expanding market, with increased opportunities for both investors and homebuyers in the pre-construction townhome segment​​.
  4. Calgary’s Appeal as an Investment Destination: Calgary has emerged as a prime destination for pre-construction condo investments, offering more affordable options compared to other Canadian cities. There are financial benefits such as lower costs, no land transfer tax, and favorable conditions for landlords and investors. This attractiveness extends to pre-construction townhomes, highlighting the city’s potential for real estate investment and growth in the coming years​​.
  5. Diverse and Growing Population: Calgary’s diverse and youthful population, with a median age of 37.2 years, provides a dynamic consumer base for the housing market. The city’s commitment to fostering economic development and its status as one of Canada’s most livable cities attract young professionals and contribute to a growing demand for housing, including pre-construction townhomes​​.
  6. Adaptive and Evolving Market: The Calgary real estate market has shown adaptability and evolution, especially following the challenges in the oil and gas sector. This has led to a focus on other sectors like manufacturing and IT, bringing in highly educated professionals and creating a demand for housing that matches their lifestyle and preferences​​.

Recap about Buying Pre Construction Townhomes in Calgary

Purchasing a pre-construction townhome in Calgary offers a distinctive and promising opportunity, blending the city’s strong economy, scenic beauty, and vibrant culture with the appeal of home customization, modern amenities, and financial benefits like potential value appreciation and new home warranties. While considering the higher costs, GST implications, and the developing nature of new communities, buyers must weigh their options between condos and townhomes, aligning with personal financial situations and market trends.

Calgary’s resilient real estate market, fueled by government initiatives, demographic shifts, and continuous growth, presents an attractive investment landscape. Navigating the buying process from property research to final closing requires careful planning and understanding of the market, making the journey towards owning a pre-construction townhome in Calgary a potentially fulfilling and profitable venture.

If you are looking for some of the best townhomes coming to Calgary, click here!

Q: What are pre-construction townhomes?

A: Pre-construction townhomes are residential properties that are bought before they are built. Buyers purchase the property based on floor plans and the developer’s reputation.

Q: What are the benefits of buying pre-construction townhomes?

A: Buying pre-construction townhomes can offer lower initial costs, customization options, and the potential for value appreciation before the property is even complete.

Q: How do I find pre-construction townhomes for sale in Calgary?

A: You can find pre-construction townhomes for sale in Calgary through real estate listings, developer websites, or by working with a real estate agent who specializes in new construction properties.

Q: What should I consider when buying pre construction townhomes in Calgary?

A: Consider factors such as location, developer reputation, amenities, future development plans in the area, and the potential for property value appreciation.

Q: What is the real estate market like for preconstruction townhomes in Calgary?

A: The real estate market for pre-construction townhomes in Calgary is competitive, with a growing demand for new homes and attractive investment opportunities.

Q: Can I customize a pre-construction townhome in Calgary?

A: Yes, many developers offer customization options for pre-construction townhomes, allowing buyers to select finishes, layouts, and sometimes even structural elements.

A: Some popular pre-construction townhome developments in Calgary include Belmont Plaza, East Hills Crossing, and developments by Truman Homes.

Q: Are there financing options available for buying pre-construction townhomes in Calgary?

A: Yes, there are financing options available for buying pre-construction townhomes, including construction financing, pre-construction loans, and traditional mortgage options.

Q: What types of pre-construction properties are available in Calgary?

A: In Calgary, you can find pre-construction condos, detached single-family homes, townhomes, and other new construction properties.

Q: How do I ensure the developer of the pre-construction townhomes is reputable?

A: Ensure the developer’s reputation by researching their past projects, obtaining testimonials from previous buyers, and checking for any complaints or legal issues related to their previous developments.

Q: What is the difference between pre construction homes and new homes?

New homes are completed constructions that are ready for immediate occupancy, offering the advantage of seeing the finished product before purchase. In contrast, pre-construction homes are properties purchased before or during the construction phase, often allowing for customization options but requiring buyers to rely on plans and renderings to envision the final product.

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