Calgary Housing Market: 2024 Townhome Real Estate Trends and Predictions

Calgary housing marketing townhomes forecast 2024

The Calgary housing market, especially regarding townhomes, is set to navigate through an intriguing mix of challenges and opportunities in 2024. As a dynamic component of Canada’s property market, understanding the current trends and future predictions of the Calgary townhome market is not just beneficial but essential for potential buyers, sellers, and real estate investors. This comprehensive guide delves into various aspects of the market, from economic influences and pricing trends to demographic shifts and investment potential.

In 2024, the Calgary housing market continues to evolve under the influence of both local and global economic factors. While the market exhibits mixed signals, there are strong indicators of resilience and growth, driven by factors such as population increase, economic stability, and a demand for affordable housing segments. This article will provide an insightful analysis of these trends, equipping you with the knowledge to navigate this complex market effectively.

As we explore the Calgary townhome market in 2024, we’ll uncover the implications of economic trends, analyze market segments, and offer predictions based on current data and expert forecasts. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, a seasoned investor, or simply keen on keeping up with the real estate market, this guide will serve as a valuable resource in understanding the intricate dynamics of Calgary’s townhome market in 2024.

Calgary housing market

A Comprehensive Look at Calgary’s Housing Market in 2024

As we delve into the Calgary housing market in 2024, a multifaceted scenario unfolds, marked by rising home values and evolving market dynamics. The year witnesses a continuing trend of rising home values in Metro Calgary, but with nuanced differences across various segments of the market​​.

Mixed Signals in the Market

The detached house market in Calgary presents mixed signals. While the condo apartment market remains intensely active, the demand for houses is relatively moderate compared to recent years. This dichotomy in market segments underscores the diverse factors influencing buyer decisions and market trends​​.

Pandemic Impact and Rising Interest Rates

The pandemic initially turbocharged the housing market, escalating prices significantly. However, the current landscape is shaped by the aftermath of these rapid price increases and the onset of rising interest rates. These factors are compelling potential buyers to reconsider their options, with many opting to wait for more favorable mortgage conditions. Consequently, this has resulted in fewer buyers actively participating in the market, leading to a complex recovery phase​​.

Benchmark vs. Median Prices

An interesting development is observed in the pricing trends. While the benchmark price for houses continues to ascend, the median price is losing momentum. This indicates a shift in buying patterns, with fewer transactions involving more expensive homes and a general reluctance to purchase at benchmark prices. This shift is partly attributed to the increased mortgage rates impacting buyers’ budgets​​.

The Rental Market’s Influence

A strong rental market in Calgary is influencing homeowners’ decisions. Many who would typically sell their homes to upgrade or downsize are now opting to rent out their properties instead. This trend is reducing the number of homes available for sale, adding another layer of complexity to the market dynamics​​.

Condo Market Attractiveness

The condo market in Calgary is witnessing rapid growth, attracting significant attention from both local and out-of-province investors. Factors such as attractive price-to-rent ratios and favorable tenancy laws are driving this interest. The shift to remote working is also influencing market trends, with a growing demand for larger condos that cater to home office needs​​.

Affordability Concerns

Despite these trends, condos remain an accessible option for many in Calgary. The median household income allows for a mortgage that covers the cost of a benchmark condo. However, purchasing a house is increasingly moving beyond the reach of the average buyer, highlighting the growing affordability concerns in the city​​.

The Calgary housing market in 2024 is characterized by a complex interplay of local and global economic factors, buyer sentiments, and market segment-specific trends. Understanding these nuances is crucial for anyone looking to navigate this market, whether for buying, selling, or investing in real estate.

The Economic Backdrop: Understanding Calgary’s Market Dynamics

As we venture into 2024, the Calgary housing market’s trajectory is significantly influenced by a range of economic factors, both local and global.

Provincial Economic Resilience and Challenges

Alberta’s economy demonstrates resilience with robust consumer spending and active business environments. However, it’s not without its challenges, such as increasing job losses and persistent inflation pressures. The Calgary housing market is closely linked to these provincial economic indicators, and despite a period of consolidation, there’s an observed upward trend in the market as we approach 2024​​.

Labor Market Complexities

The labor market in Calgary presents a complex picture. While overall strength is evident, recent job losses and wage growth surpassing inflation are exerting pressure on businesses, leading to workforce downsizing. Interestingly, there’s a low historical correlation between the labor market and Calgary housing market prices or trends. Despite these challenges, the robust demand throughout the economy is expected to keep the unemployment rate below pre-COVID levels for a significant part of 2024, which will, in turn, influence consumer sentiment​​.

Population Growth Driving Housing Demand

Significant population growth in Alberta, particularly in Calgary, is a key driver of housing demand. With the rising costs across Canadian cities, the trend of migration towards more affordable areas, including Calgary, is anticipated to continue. The Canadian government’s high immigration targets are expected to further strain the already low inventory levels in the housing market, adding to the demand for affordable housing options​​.

Global Influences

The Calgary housing market is also affected by global factors such as US policies, international conflicts, and supply chain disruptions. US interest rates have a cascading effect on Canada’s interest rates, thereby impacting Calgary’s housing market. A weaker Canadian dollar could make the market more attractive to immigrants. Global conflicts and supply chain issues, especially concerning resources from China and Russia, inadvertently boost Alberta’s economy, which in turn positively affects the Calgary housing market​​.

These economic factors paint a detailed picture of the various forces at play in shaping the Calgary housing market in 2024. Understanding these dynamics is essential for anyone engaged in the real estate market, whether buying, selling, or investing.

Townhomes in Calgary

Segment Analysis: Detached Homes and Townhomes in 2024

Detached Housing Market Trends

The detached housing market in Calgary during 2024 shows a mix of trends. While there’s a softening in the higher price segment, the lower price point remains robust. This discrepancy is reflected in the market’s absorption rate, which has stayed above 70% for 11 consecutive months, signaling a strong market. Sales in late 2023 indicated strength across all metrics, suggesting that the first quarter of 2024 might see substantial price appreciation, possibly in the range of 5-15%​​.

Predictive Metrics: Days on Market

A crucial predictive metric for future real estate prices is the ‘days on market’ for detached homes. The forecast for early 2024 indicates a peak in January, followed by a decrease, dropping below 20 days by March. This trend is expected to support prices in the first quarter of 2024, providing a robust start to the year​​.

Condo Market Dynamics

The condo market, particularly relevant to townhomes, is experiencing rapid price growth. This growth is attracting both local and out-of-province investors and new immigrants seeking affordable housing. However, challenges arise from rising condo fees, which impact purchasing power and cap prices in complexes with high fees​​.

New Construction Housing Prices

New construction home prices have seen a significant increase, a trend expected to continue into 2024. This rise is supported by a tight labor and supply market, leading to higher wages and material costs. Infill and rezoning initiatives are diminishing affordable housing options, with single-family dwellings being replaced by more expensive multi-family units​​.

Market Demand and Supply Dynamics

Historical data shows seasonal fluctuations in Calgary’s housing demand, with a peak typically in March, followed by a plateau and a decline towards the end of the year. The fourth quarter of 2023 continued to show price appreciation, setting the stage for a strong start to 2024. Despite an increase in listings, sales have kept inventory levels low, with single detached homes reflecting very tight market conditions. This scenario is partly due to the rapid increase in interest rates, prompting homeowners to hold onto their low mortgages​​.

New Construction and Housing Supply Dynamics in Calgary 2024

New Construction Housing Prices

In 2024, Calgary’s new construction market is witnessing a significant uptrend in prices. This increase is primarily driven by a tight labor market and rising material costs, affecting the overall affordability of new homes. The trend of increasing new home prices, which began in mid-2023, is expected to continue into 2024. The city is also experiencing a record number of homes under construction, which indicates a robust response to housing demand​​​​.

Impact of Infills and Rezoning on Affordability

City-driven infill projects and rezoning initiatives are transforming the housing landscape in Calgary. These developments are leading to the replacement of affordable single-family dwellings with high-end multi-family units. The price tags on these new units are substantially higher – typically 30-40% more than the homes they replace. This shift is rapidly reducing the number of affordable housing options available in the city​​.

Supply-Demand Balances and Market Outlook

Despite these developments, the Calgary housing market is expected to move towards a more balanced supply-demand equation in 2024. The CREB® report indicates a rise in new listings and an increase in the number of housing starts, suggesting more choices in housing supply. This increase in supply, along with population growth and a stable employment market, is expected to support stronger sales. However, the pace of price growth is likely to slow down from the high levels reported in 2023​​.

Risk Factors and Economic Influences

The 2024 outlook for the Calgary housing market, while optimistic, is not without risks. Global economic shifts could impact commodity prices, affecting economic growth, employment, and migration in Calgary. These factors will play a crucial role in determining the balance of the housing market and the trajectory of price growth in the city​​.

In conclusion, the Calgary housing market in 2024 is expected to experience a mix of rising prices in new construction, shifts in housing affordability due to urban development strategies, and a gradual move towards a more balanced market. These trends are underpinned by broader economic factors and local market dynamics, making it a pivotal year for stakeholders in the Calgary real estate sector.

Predictions for the Calgary Townhome Market in 2024

Townhome and Apartment Market Trends

The Calgary townhome and apartment market is poised for significant growth in 2024. Rapid price increases are attracting attention from both local and out-of-province investors, as well as new immigrants. Despite rising prices, Calgary’s apartment market remains one of the most affordable among major Canadian cities. However, challenges such as increasing condo fees are impacting buyer purchasing power and could cap prices in complexes with high fees​​.

New Construction and Impact on Affordability

The new construction sector in Calgary is experiencing a sharp rise in prices, a trend expected to continue throughout 2024. This increase is driven by a tight labor market and escalating material costs. City-driven initiatives like infills and rezoning are replacing affordable single-family dwellings with higher-priced multi-family units, impacting overall housing affordability​​.

Housing Supply Dynamics

Calgary’s housing supply dynamics are characterized by robust sales, which have kept inventory levels significantly below typical levels. Despite a record number of new listings, the inventory for single detached homes remains tight, influenced by the rapid increase in interest rates, prompting many homeowners to retain their low-rate mortgages. As these mortgages are set for renewal in 2024-2025, there’s potential for increased housing supply​​.

Market Forecast for 2024

The overall forecast for Calgary’s housing market in 2024 suggests continued price appreciation until peak demand is reached around March 2024. Price gains across all market segments could range from 5-15%. Following typical seasonal patterns, prices may plateau by April 2024 and experience a modest decline for the rest of the year, although they will still be higher than in 2023. The projected average benchmark price for 2024 stands at $745,000, indicating a strong year for Calgary’s real estate market, especially in the early months​​.


Q: What is the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report about?

A: The 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report provides an overview of the trends, statistics, and forecast for the Calgary housing market for the year 2023.

Q: What are the key statistics and trends in the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report?

A: The report covers statistics such as home prices, housing starts, market statistics, real estate trends, and home values in the Calgary region for 2023.

Q: How are the Calgary house prices predicted to trend in 2024 according to the market report?

A: The report provides a forecast for the 2024 Calgary house prices based on the trends and statistics from 2023.

Q: What are some of the terms related to the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report?

A: Some related terms include calgary housing, calgary real estate, market report, home price, housing starts, real estate statistics, and market statistics.

Q: How does the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report compare to the 2022 report?

A: The report may compare the 2023 housing market trends, statistics, and forecasts with those of 2022 to identify any changes or patterns in the market.

Q: What factors are influencing the Calgary housing market according to the market report?

A: The report may discuss factors such as interest rates, housing statistics, real estate market conditions, and the overall state of the Calgary market.

Q: Where can I access the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report?

A: The report may be accessible through sources such as the Calgary Real Estate Board, news outlets like CBC News or Calgary Herald, and possibly the Bank of Canada or Canadian real estate organizations.

Q: What are the current market trends for buying a home in Calgary according to the market report?

A: The report may outline trends such as average house prices, buyer’s market conditions, time to buy, and the availability of homes in various parts of Calgary.

Q: How can the 2023 Calgary Housing Market Report affect my decision to buy a house in Calgary?

A: The report can provide insights into the current market conditions, average home prices, and whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market, which can influence your decision to buy a house in Calgary.

Q: What are the anticipated changes in the Calgary housing market for November 2023 based on the market report?

A: The report may forecast changes in home sales, average prices, and market conditions for November 2023 in the Calgary housing market.

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